How to sell cycling items in Japan 

Many cyclists generally buy a bicycle shop.

In Japan, we have short history of cycling culture so many cyclists tend to go to a bicycle shop to get information.

Many countries in Europe are connected by land so people living there can easily visit each country even by bicycle. On a daily basis. That's why there are many kinds of cycling brands.

In Japan, we don't know have many brands. Even cyclists visit bicycle shops to get information.

Each brand introduces their item on social media. Some people get items thought it. However, many Japanese can't understand English.so they give up on buying.

When it come to sell the items in Japan, the brands need to negotiate with a trading company.

The trading companies decide the annual budge for purchase and the quantity. Even if trading companies suggest new brands, some bicycle shops may turn down the offer. In case a brand considers selling the items in Japan. Both trading company and bicycle shops need to accept the proposal.

If you want to expand the business in Japan besides the way I explained, you have to establish your corporation on your own or make your own website to conduct marketing, branding and positioning.


Japanese cycling culture is short. we don't have long history. Cycling culture come to be recognized after 2000 in Japan.

Cycling become fad due to the influence of MTB in 1980's and PANTANI in 1990'sHowever, this trend wasn't throughout the entire society.

When I came to know about road racing in Europe.it was 1983's.Of course, I knew about drop handlebar but at that time, road racing means to touring bike.

after 1990's, some cyclists joined the races, but it was just for amateur. The cyclist who experienced the cyclin culture in Europe after 1990's have started the business that take place gran fond and cycling guide to spread cycling culture.

After 2010, cycling culture took root. Japanese cycling culture will popularize soon.


In recent years. Japanese government tries to spread cycling culture. For the problem of environmental pollution and attraction of environmental pollution and attraction of tourists.

The local government put into use to show off the district. They conduct maintenance for cycling lanes and installed bike racks.

Until 2000, many Japanese people spend their time on working, but recently we tend to spend our time on private as well to make our life richer. That's the reason why we came to spend a lot of time and money on our hobby. The Japanese government announced that economic effect by cycling tourism is 135 billion yen.

Not only bicycle industry but also Japanese government maintain roads. The local government hold Gran Fond. An entire society create the cycling culture.

DATA (January 2022 survey)

-Cyclist population

The published cyclist population is about 1.7million.our target customer is about 970,000.

-Sales volume of sport bikes

The published figures don't match the actual situation. So we don't show it. The reliable information says that the sales volume has grown by 4% over 6years since 2012.