There are experts for marketing and branding in our team.

In the world, there are many brands for cycling apparel, fashion supplies

Not only the company with a long history but also many start-up companies which offers apparel with great design exist overseas.


Despite the history of the brands, We mainly deal with companies that are not familiar in Japan.

We'd love to offer new value to develop the cycling culture.

We aim to lead cycling culture through our business.

We believe that cycling makes our life more beautiful.

We love cycling and have passion.

The passion never ends even after I get off for example searching for beautiful scenery watching cycling game, checking the cycling outfit trends, trying to get were information about training.

The interest for cycling never ends.

Cycling is always by your side for the get-on and off.

What is the challenge?

Each brand has their own shopping websites to ship worldwide.

That's way they can provide their products overseas.

The problem is that there are too many websites and information on internet.

Consumers can't decide which website to use. There is no recognition until I want to buy it.

Because of it, it's difficult for the brands to keep attracting consumer's interest.

We are company that do making, develop a brand strategy and do sales.

To accomplish our mission, were determined to build a bridge between the brand in Europe and Japan.


・We conduct marketing, branding and sell the apparel products of European cycling brands in Japan.

・We manage club of brands if necessary, caring about the brand's mission and image.